Sample contact change letter

When an institution requests changes to an AC.ZA domain and the existing contacts are no longer available, we may request a letter authorising those changes. Such a letter needs to be on letterhead and signed by an institution officer who may not ordinarily understand DNS. For this reason, we strongly recommend that the person writing the letter simply delegate new contacts and that we then get the technical information of the change from those new contacts.

Unfortunately, we cannot update contacts unless we have all the required information (our Registry system will simply refuse the update). Thus to ease the process and reduce any back-and-forth that may be required to establish a new set of contacts, below you'll find a template you can copy and paste onto letterhead.

All the mandatory fields must be completed, the name and designation of the officer must be given, and the domain name(s) must be explicitly mentioned. Please read through the notes at the bottom of this page which gives further information about how to complete the contact table.

TENET Hostmasters
per email

To whom it may concern:

Re: New contact information for

On behalf of the Registrant, Example University, I request that you update the contact information for our DNS domain(s):

The correct new contact information for this domain is:

Registrant Admin Contact Technical Contact Billing Contact
Name (*) (as for admin contact)
City (*)
Post Code
Country (*) ZA (South Africa) ZA (South Africa) ZA (South Africa)
Email Address (*)
Phone Number (*)

I confirm I am duly authorised to request these changes on behalf of Example University. I understand that the onus is on the Registrant to keep this information up-to-date and that we are required to inform you 

Yours sincerely,


A. N. Other
Principal & Vice-Chancellor, Example University

Notes for completing the table

  • Fields marked (*) are mandatory and must be completed.
  • The Registrant Organisation must be a legal juristic person, and the Registrant Name should typically match the Organisation (except in the case of e.g. autonomous units domiciled within the Registrant Organisation).
  • The Registrant's email address and phone number are mandatory and may be made public. We suggest using the same general contact information you provide on your web page.
  • The Registrant must further have a complete address that can be used if we ever need to post correspondence about this domain. Addresses are not required for the other contacts.
  • The Admin contact should be the Principal, Registrar, Chief Information Officer, Director of Information Technology or other officer who represents the entirety of the Registrant as a juristic person. They must be an employee of the Registrant. A role or job-title may be used.
  • The Technical contact must be different to the Admin contact and should be the person or functional role who operates your DNS infrastructure. It can be a third-party provider if necessary.
  • The Billing contact is currently unused but is mandatory under ICANN's format and may be used in future. We suggest setting it to match the Admin contact.
  • Only one (1) contact of each type may be provided. Where multiple people may act as a particular contact type, use role-based contacts.
  • For privacy and continuity reasons, we strongly recommend using role-based email addresses for the Admin, Tech and Billing contacts where such addresses are available. Partially redacted versions of these email addresses may be made public.